Sängyssä illalla lukiessani näin jotain vilahtavan nopeasti silmieni editse. Vilkaisu lattialle, ja jotenkin näky ei yllättänyt: toukkahan se siinä! Etenemässä tiukoin vedoin, suorin vartaloin kohti itää.
Yön työtunteina mies oli seurannut avaran cityluonnon draaman kaarta: kuinka hämähäkki oli yrittänyt kietoa toukkaa pakettiin, mutta kuinka toukka oli vetreästi paennut satimesta. Auringonnousua kohti, tietenkin.
Mitäköhän näistäkin reippaista suunnistajista kehittyy? Jotain upeita siivekkäitä varmaan. Violetin ihana Metamorfoosi -taulu katselee tätäkin menoa aitiopaikalla, olkkarimme länsiseinällä.
Waiting for metamorphosis
We have had an interesting show on-going in our living room for three days. Black, thick, worms appear from the west side of our living room and start approaching the east side of it. They are moving forward with such confidence and force that it is evitable that these guys know what they are doing and where they are going. It just happens that our house is standing on their way. I even tried to open our patio door to one of these wonderers, but he slipped under it ever so quickly.
As I was reading in bed before going to sleep I suddenly realized that something went pass my eyes very fast. Somehow I wasn’t surprised of what I found: another worm, riding to the east!
Husband who worked late had the opportunity to stare at exciting hunt: a spider tried to wrap one of these worms for later dinner. But the worm escaped, and by now you may guess what direction it took. Yep, to the sunrise.
I wonder what will turn out of these strong creatures? Something wonderfully colorful, I suspect. Violet’s beautiful Metamorphosis –painting is watching over everything in front row, the west side wall of our living room.
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