Kotitalo Suomessa on vuokrattu ja jää nyt odottamaan uutta asukasta. Huoneet ovat tyhjät (vihdoin), pihanurmi vielä kertaalleen parturoitu, harava aseteltu huomaavaisesti oven pieleen (josko seuraava olisi innokkaampi kuin me). Lähtömaljoja on juotu ja tippoja linssiin tiristetty (vaikka ero onkin lyhyt ja välimatka skypen ansiosta vielä lyhyempi).
Perillä odottaa niin ikään tyhjä talo. Haravaa on mies jo heiluttanut ja karsinut villiintyneen okapensaan piikkioksat pienten ja isojen jalkojen tieltä järeämmin asein. Tulomaljaksi on tilattu Savannaa ja viinirypälelimpsukkaa. Ja minä aion tapani mukaan tirauttaa kyyneleen unihiekan läpi, kun näen aamuun heräävän Afrikan koneen ikkunasta.
We are off now. A night flight will take us via Munich and Johannesburg all the way to Gaborone. Daddy awaits us there.
Our house in Finland is waiting to be a new home for someone soon. Rooms are emptied and lawn mowed, garbage taken out. Some tears have been shed and some fare well toasts risen with dear friends and family members.
The house that awaits us is empty as well. Husband has done most of the gardening. At least he got rid of some thorn bush which was running wild and looking forward of hurting little or big feet of ours. I ordered some Savanna and Grapetizer for welcoming toasts. And as usual, I will shed a tear once I see the first glimpses of Africa through my plane window.
7 kommenttia:
Hyvää matkaa ja terveisiä koko perheelle!!! Samalle mantereelle kaihoten!
Oijoi. Kuulostaapa kivaisalta. Oikein ihanaa teille sinne! Terkkuja Jarkolle, ja Koholle pusuterkkuja äidin - "ja minun" - ystäviltä!
ps. Meillä alkaa olla tosi kaunis ruska, että kyllä täälläkin pärjää, toistaiseksi... :)
Hi Satu, Jarkko and Katlego,
What an adventure. Nice to follow. I put your weblog in my feeds and will follow you living in Botswana. I hope all will go well and that you will find yourselves soon at home in Gaborone. Wish you all the best and we will mail you sometimes.
How is Katlego doing with all these changes. Is he adapting well in your home and family?
Noah and Boaz are doing fine. Sometimes Noah is talking about Katlego. Especially when we are talking about South Africa and looking at the pictures we took. Boaz is very well recovered from the surgery. At this moment we are having holiday. We are now on the Island Ameland. One of the small islands Holland have in the Northern part of the country. It is very nice weather and often we are on the beach.
We appreciate the English text on the weblog. Finnish is hard to read for us.
Warm regards,
Andries Iesja Noah Boaz Grul
The Netherlands.
Welcome here! The house with seven rooms has been a bit empty; only me, a lap top and few books. And spiders. Doom takes - has taken - care of those, and if nothing else help some red wine covers the rest.
There was the final hassle with the tickets and the access or not to the plane in Oulu&Helsinki: 'madam, you cannot travel with one way ticket to Bostwana'.
My task was run between different offices in +37 C before the plane leaves from HEL(L)sinki - with or without the family. I managed to get my immigration papers with a stamp and faxed them to SAS with my attached letter asking why I as a man wasn't been stopped two weeks ago (no return ticket) but when a female with a black kid is travelling they are required to have return tickets etc documentation... Soon my cell phone rang: 'SAS here, do we call in bad time?' Uh, we lilly white people are so sensitive when a gender & racial card is used...
But now Satu and Katlego are flying over Sahara.
Hei rakkaat ystävät siellä Afrikan maalla! Toivon teille mukavaa, lämmintä ja seikkailutäyteistä vuotta Afrikassa. Toivottavasti äidin ja lapsen lentomatka meni hyvin :). Tämä blogi on aivan ihana tilaisuus seurata teidän elämää siellä - kiitos siitä. Haleja ja enkeleitä! t. Maajussitar Hämeestä
Hi you all!!!
So nice to get your weblog and bea able to follow your adevnture to Botswana!
We really hope you all managed to get to Botswana safely and that the last bit of the trip went well and with out any difficulties.
Here in Norway we are doing really well, since June Lukas has grown 6,5cm.... So he is starting to grow up to be a big long boy, just like his daddy!
We did just look at our video from our time together in South- Africa,so many beautiful memories. I still cry when i look at that film...
As the Gruls we also apriciate the english text a lot!
Lots of hugs and love Eva, Bjørn Arild and Lukas
Ihanaa, sinulla on blogi!
Ihan kuin hiukan tuntisin sinua niiden meidän taulukauppoihin liittyneiden meilien vuoksi.
Aion seurata tapahtumia.
Kaikkea hyvää.
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